So, this is a weird one but for what ever reason i downloaded fortnite and played it. I found that my wifi stops working specifically when fortnite is booted up in a match. i got the game just two days ago, i experimented a little and when the wifi drops i can disconnect and reconnect to it and itll stay up for another 3-5 minutes. i also found that it is consistent with fortnite itself, i can be on discord calls for hours, watching youtube, playing another game like rainbow six siege or verdun and it will stay connected the entire way through. however, the moment i boot up fortnite and play the wifi drops out and i have to keep disconnecting and reconnecting for it to work for a few minutes at a time or just play something else and it wont drop out at all.
I'm very curious as to what causes this and perhaps if theres any fixes for this?
I'm very curious as to what causes this and perhaps if theres any fixes for this?