Hello, I'm buying my first desktop this month and all the ones i've been looking at don't have wifi. How can I get wifi to my computer, the router will be in the room down the hall from me. I've been looking at 'powerline' adapters but to be honest I have no idea what is the best for me. Can anyone please help me?
www.amazon.co.uk/TRENDnet-500Mbps-Powerline-Ethernet-Adapter/dp/B009W1Q66K/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1118WZ025LT77&coliid=I2GLLWC1IHWE9A - Powerline I've been looking at
www.amazon.co.uk/TRENDnet-500Mbps-Powerline-Ethernet-Adapter/dp/B009W1Q66K/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1118WZ025LT77&coliid=I2GLLWC1IHWE9A - Powerline I've been looking at