Thank you. Turkish - no problem per se.
What I often do is open up a Powershell window and run ipconfig /all on my system. Then I drag my window along side the posted ipconfig /all to compare the two results. Generally figure it out one way or another. Just did not make the Yerel <---> Local translation.
But you did find the wired adapter in Device Manager. (Note: the word is "Controller" with respect to Family Controller. However, I can see the translation coming out as Supervisor in some contexts. Inspector not so much but that is what make languages so interesting sometimes....)
Anyway, yes you need to enable that wired adapter/port again. That port being the built-in LAN port that you connected the ethernet cable to when connecting to your friend's computer. Hopefully the adapter's driver is still there. If not, download and install from the manufacturer's website.
Trusting that the drivers are there, connect your ethernet cable from the router to the notebooks wired LAN port, enable the device, and configure for your wired network.
I.e., DHCP enabled, Default Gateway, DHCP Server, Subnet mask, DNS Server and (Google), etc..
Hopefully that will get wired up and running. If not, just post an update and include any errors or other noted problems.