Question Wii Resurrection - What GPU will work?

Oct 12, 2023
I have an original Wii that, when it has been on for an hour or so, the screen goes a faded green, although I can still see the game. I think it might be the GPU and would like to replace it. However, I do not know how to choose a current GPU that is on the market and suitable for this job. The whole unit still works and so it would be a shame to throw it out. I would be grateful for any suggestions. This will be my first attempt at this sort of repair.
A GPU issue would be more immediate, things happening after an hour is much more likely to be connected with capacitors.
This guy has the opposite issue where the screen is too dark from the start but gets brighter over time and it was capacitors.

I'm not saying that it couldn't be the GPU but if you had the equipment to change the GPU chip you wouldn't have to ask here, the GPU in consoles is soldered directly to the main board with hundreds of solderballs and not even most experts in repair have the machine to un and resolder such a chip.
Oct 12, 2023
Thank you TerryLaze,

So informative! The video added to my education, as I had only seen a teardown on YouTube. Its especially useful when you get the component number so you can order them. As a background I am going through a cupboard of old consoles, Xbox originals, PS3, and one Wii. The 2 Xboxes only need the disk drive belts replaced; I am awaiting a game from eBay, so I can test the DVD Drive on my PS3 as I have no games (stolen by grandkids ;) ), but I want to keep the Wii.

So, I am going to go for it in a joint project with a solder gun wielding husband to try to fix it. I have the Wii board and all the other accessories and would really like to get it to work again. After watching the video, I agree with you it seems the capacitors seem the most likely suspects.

I am awaiting a game from eBay, so I can test the DVD Drive on my PS3 as I have no games (stolen by grandkids ;) ), but I want to keep the Wii.
Pfff DVD, the PS3 has blu-ray, DVDs are sooo PS2.
But seriously, you can test the drive with a bluray movie, no need for a game ,other than being able to play a game, you should also try a DVD movie to make sure that works as well, they are different lasers and one could work and the other not.
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Oct 12, 2023
Backup plan. Get a second hand WiiU as it also has original Wii OS on it + it's Hdmi.
Blooming heck I did not know anything about the Wii U. Now have a bid in on eBay for a set. I had stopped at the purchase of the Wii for the grandkids back in the day. Hopefully I will be successful tomorrow. Thank you boju
Oct 12, 2023
Overall I want to play Wii sports again as I want the great ski jump experience (ha ha), but instead have encountered two very nice techies who have given me better solutions to the issue of getting back to this gaming system. Thank you so much both of you.
Oct 12, 2023
Thanks TerryLaze for this suggestion. When I originally posted, I thought the question was so obscure and the unit so old, that I wouldn't get replies.

My study, which I have nicknamed my shed, is just long enough for me to play the Wii and also Xbox one Kinect games without knocking things off the shelves. The Kinect is up and running, so this dolphin emulator will be a good option for me here, especially as I have all the Wii kit apart from the steering wheels.

Inspired, today, we took the big TV off the wall in the guest bedroom and it is now blocking out the light in front of the study window (with blind down as it gets so hot here in Western Australia, that one summer a corner of my Brother printer melted) - so now I have my new gaming screen. I am going to have a pretty good woman cave when I have finished I think. I am also thinking about how much exercise can be done without going to the gym with these games. 70 years old, but still haven't grown up :) Turfing out the cupboard for lost consoles is working out wonderfully. Thank you both of you.
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Wii U is good as i own one and can play original Wii sports on it but it is old and can't buy stuff from online store anymore. But how about this idea instead, probably a blessing you missed out on it actually, go for the Nintendo Switch instead. It has Wii sports as well and for the kids they'll have a lot of fun with it including yourself, more so than the Wii U. Can get every game that was on Wii U on the Switch. Also online store has many more titles, like the original Mario Party from Nintendo 64 days. All Mario Party games are fantastic, 4 players and a lot of fun.

Bought the WiiU when it came out, If i didn't have that i would have got the Switch.
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