[citation][nom]alidan[/nom] you cant see america going to war on a religion... really? ill give you we would never come out and say it, but take a look at what some of their religious leaders preach. hate for all western anything, from ideals, to our actions. lets say one of them really does cross a line.him and his followers, are than hunted, and lets say for good reason.how is that news portrayed in media there?its a more realistic scenario than i like to think, sadly.[/citation]
I don't think America will go to war on a religion because America is not a theocratic state, nor is it constitutionally aligned to any religion. The only way that will happen is when a fascist idiot and friends take over the US Gov and I still have some shed of hope in the American people that they will not elect such idiots.
What their (muslim) religious leaders preach are only what the christian religious leaders preached during the christian dark ages. All sorts of mumbo jumbo to gain control over the populace.
Their 'hate' for the west is mainly due to American foreign policies over the years, and not an actual hate for the west. To say that all muslims hate the west is as ignorant as saying all chinese are communist.
No matter what the religious leaders preach, ultimately rationalism, economic issues and social issues will make it unjustifiable to completely hate the west.
If you think news in the middle east is all "The West is Evil!" , you've obviously watched fox News too much and have never heard of Al Jazeera.
In the end, if there was a "War on Islam", it will not be the naive war on religion that you potray, but much rather a war to control resources and politics, much like all the countless so called "jihads" or war in the name of god has been about
[citation][nom]jupiter optimus maximus[/nom]Reading from the New York times, listing to reporters who talked to Assange directly and people who work closely to set up WikiLeaks, Assange is an ego-mianc, a tier lower to those who believe that they are god. Also, those two Swedish ladies are keeping their dignity and not letting a self-desired man get away.[/citation]
They're paid, simple as that.
Reading from New York Times about Assange? You might as well read the North Korean papers about news of South Korea.
Ego-maniac or not, he's still an overrated threat. To the average citizen of the world, he posses only as much threat as your next door neighbour.