WikiLeaks Publishes All Documents And Emails From Sony Leak

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The same people who cry about government spying post this up on their site which is basically spying on not only a corporation but individual employees with rights who have done nothing wrong. I don't condone either type of spying and this wreaks of hypocrisy.
i guess its a matter of degree of and scale, this is a drop in the bucket compared to what corporations and government violate. It seems a little bit like trivial pursuit to complain about this compared to that.
The same people who cry about government spying post this up on their site which is basically spying on not only a corporation but individual employees with rights who have done nothing wrong. I don't condone either type of spying and this wreaks of hypocrisy.
sorry but no, when you start to bribe politicians you deserve the leak... so im hoping for all the dirty laundry from everyone to get aired at some point.
The same people who cry about government spying post this up on their site which is basically spying on not only a corporation but individual employees with rights who have done nothing wrong. I don't condone either type of spying and this wreaks of hypocrisy.

STFU! Are you going to be using that information against those innocent people? If not then who cares. You should be mad at the people who will use that information for against them. Id be more concerned about our business practices here then some random person which is what the hackers did.

It's this artificial distinction between "individuals" and "corporations/government" which is really corrosive to society. At some point you realize that corporations, governments, and other organizations are just a bunch of individuals working together. The moment you decide the individuals that work at an organization are fair targets because you dislike the organization, you've lost your respect for humanity. Because everyone (except for hermits living out in the woods) belongs to some organization(s). Even WikiLeaks itself is an organization - some would condemn all the individuals who work for WikiLeaks and not treat them with basic human decency simply because they dislike the organization.

A favorite tactic of war propaganda is to de-humanize the enemy, so you can justify in you rmind all sorts of things you'd normally never subject another human being to. Thinking of the people working at these corporations, government, and other organizations as nothing more than a cog in their organization is just a way to de-humanize them, so you can rationalize doing things to them that you would never condone doing to a fellow human being.

If it's wrong to publish the private emails of an individual unrelated to criminal activity, then it's wrong to publish the private emails of an individual working at Sony unrelated to criminal activity.
The highlights listed on toms doesn't exactly sound uncommon. Knowing the way forward is knowing your competition as long as no sabotage is committed.

Forcing someone to do something as it looks from the article is a violation of rights unless it was stated in their contract that the company can ask from its execs to support a certain decision.

While I would love to know whats going on in corporate structures this has me worried that I might have to redo my PSN password and at worst case log on only to find my account banned and all my purchases voided.
I guess now there's no question about whether this is a criminal organization. I can't believe there are actually people who compare Wikileaks to Snowden.
Cool Toms. Kick them while they are down and then cry about the NSA next week. Pricks.

Waitwaitwait. Are you saying we're pricks because we're reporting on something that has happened? I also don't understand your NSA comment.
The same people who cry about government spying post this up on their site which is basically spying on not only a corporation but individual employees with rights who have done nothing wrong. I don't condone either type of spying and this wreaks of hypocrisy.

I'm not sure if you're making an accusation here (are you?), but you make a really good point about spying/hacking. It's worth asking the question: Is vigilante hacking just as egregious as NSA spying?
so this worked eh? See this on all work email I get...hope they feel safe..

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail us at or call 424-288-2000.
'At some point you realize that corporations, governments, and other organizations are just a bunch of individuals working together.'
That statement is incorrect, a corp/gov is not the same as a bunch of individuals, not even close. Our corps and gov need a lot of scrutiny and revision the 'system' is clearly broken. The events of the financial crisis show just how urgent the need for change is.

The persons that released these emails are unknown as well as the true motivation for doing so. That said I never expressed personal opinions in a corp email ever, I find it unprofessional and shocking that anyone at Sony would that. I did not express my personal opinions in meetings either just business related ones. I always assume that anything I do at work is being observed or documented so any memos, emails, phone calls or actions fit that understanding.

I don't think that dumping all the emails with no filter is right, this shows the difference between wikileaks and Snowden.

Also without a clear motive it is hard to understand what point or reveal is being made.

It may be that some where in those emails is some information that will make it more clear.

Simple thought experiment:

Take any corporation or government.
Remove all the individuals.
What are you left with?

A bunch of objects and data. The thing that makes any organization "do stuff" is people. Consequently, if the organization is "doing bad stuff" it's people who are responsible for that behavior. And usually it's not all the people in the organization who are responsible.

Ultimately, the housing bubble and subsequent economic crisis was caused by people borrowing more money than they could realistically hope to pay back (they bet that appreciation in home values would relieve them of the burden of having to earn money to pay back the loan), people taking advantage of the people borrowing to make a quick buck by lending them that money, people selling the notes guaranteeing that loaned money to people who didn't know what they were buying, people saying those notes were a good investment when they weren't, and people buying those notes without fully investigating exactly what they were buying.

People, people, people, people. It was all caused by people either making bad decisions, or taking advantage of the people making bad decisions. If you banned all corporations and governments, it still could've happened because individual people could've done the exact same thing. Trying to blame corporations and governments for the crisis instead of people doesn't solve anything; you need to set up rules, guidelines, and prohibitions discouraging people from doing what I described above.
People please realize that all of the information was already taken by hackers and is being used for who knows what by who knows who. By WikiLeaks posting it at least we all know what was taken and can take appropriate actions. Additionally no one can be blackmailed over anything since it is now all public.
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