Wil i5 6600k bottleneck gtx 1080 in games?


Jul 22, 2017
(Monitor 1440p/144hz)
i5 6600k oc 4.4GHz can do 4.6Ghz
MSI Z170A tomahawk
16GB 3000MHz Corsair Vengeance (2x8)
2x 240gb ssd
650W gold psu
GPU im buying msi gtx 1080 i dont know what model i will take the cheapest from gaming x aero and armor.
I'm only playing games on this pc so i didn't needed i7 also it was to much for my budget.
Games i'm playing:
R6 siege, bf 1, watch dogs 2, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3.

Before i was playing on gtx 1060 gaming x 6gb and on medium setting i get 120 averange in bf1and r6 siege so i think it will be okay to get same fps but on very high settings
it was multiplayer, i optimalize bf1 in the nvidia control panel and geforce exp also no aps running just afterburner riva tuner geforce exp and origin/uplay