Wil my second 780 ti of a different brand fit in my case?


Apr 16, 2014
Hey guys, at the moment I'm running the following setup

Corsair Obsidian 750D
Asus Maximus Vi Hero
i7 4770k
MSI GeForce GTX 780 Ti Gaming
8 gigs of DDR3 RAM
this all powered by a cooler master g750m

I have a specific budget and I will be able to squeeze the money out of it for a second 780 ti and a better PSU - looking into a LC-Power LC1000 V2.3 Legion X2 -

The 780 ti in question would be of a different brand, an ASUS GeForce GTX 780 Ti DirectCU II and I've noticed that it's quite a big card and bigger than my MSI 780 TI.

At the moment I'm already having a bit of problems with my case, It's not that there's not enough room but if I don't unscrew the thumbscrews a little bit and the stuff presses against the see through window my pc makes a weird humming noise.

To summ up my question, will this second of a different brand GPU fit in my case ?

Thanks in advance for your expertise !

Because in my country it's almost 100 euro's more expensive and it wouldn't fit my budget well, I could save up more but if a different branded gpu works just as good I might aswell go with that.

Oh, OK. Here in the US there's only a $10 difference.
Measuring will still be the best way to know for sure. But length won't be an issue. The case is wide open; no drive bays in that area. Is it the height of the card you are concerned with?

Yeah, the height aswell. This is my first real self assembled PC and I'm probably just being paranoid about trivial things 😛

At the moment I have my 780 ti in the lower PCIE slot and just looking at it I think it would fit in the upper slot but I'm just afraid that if it won't fit I'm left with a useless really expensive GPU 😛

Haha, no I'm from The Netherlands, for some reason the cheapest MSI 780 ti is $587 and the cheapest Asus one is $493.

at very worst you'll only need to change case to a wider one.

The first PCIe X16 slot is the proper slot for a single card. It is PCIe 3.0. Not that it matters much since cards can't even saturate the ver 2.0's bandwidth yet.
But if the MSI is hitting the windowed side panel (!?) being 129mm tall (5.01"), the Asus card would be too tall with a 5.8" height.

I opened up my case and did some more research on the web and I found out a few things,

The sound I was worried about turned out to be the hard drive mount thingy my SSHD is mounted in which touched the window if I screw the thumb screw to tight.

Second the thing I was worried about with the GPU space was that currently the GPU has more than enough space but it's the PSU connectors that take up a lot of space since the location the connectors go in is at the front of the card ( the side facing the window ) the Asus 780 ti is taller and the connectors are also at the side facing the window so I'm still a bit afraid that it will hit the window. But my case is quite big so I think it'll still manage.

Sadly buying from ebay doesn't really work 🙁 but thanks for the tip, that's exactly what would prevent any potencial problems I think.