aquielisunari :
luckylukasm :
I have a pc with:
Intel I5 7400
1060 6GB
8gb ram
Thats all the important stuff.
Just wanted to know that if I add another 1060 6gb I could run VR (1 card for each eye)
PSU, Mobo and stuff isnt a problem I will be replacing those anyway.
Your 1060 with the 7400 will work for VR. The 8GB will also be good enough. If you add a second GPU you can't set it for controlling only 1 eye. If anything I'd sell the 1060 and purchase a 1070. Just to be clear, the SLI'd cards will work for VR but just not in the way you were expecting. HEre's a little more about using 2 cards
ah alright thanks man, you sure a 1070 will run vr good? The last thing you want is getting sick while playing videogames. seen a 1080 around for only like a 100 bucks more. Will be waiting on the release of the vive pro tho, since that was just announced. so ill see what ill do then.