Will 7770 HD or 7850 HD work on my pc???


Mar 5, 2013
My computer specification:

System type: Windows 7 professional 32-bit
processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.30GHz
RAM: 4.00 GB
My PSU: 400watt ( i will buy 500watt)
My motherboard type: H61M-D2P-B3

1- do i need to buy a 500watt for 7770 hd or can i stay with the 400watt?

2-is my motherboard compatible with 7770 hd or 7850 hd?

3-can my system handle one of the both?
A 500W psu would be acceptable for the 7770 but I would be a little wary of using a 7850 with the system. I'm sure that it would work, but I wouldn't try to push it any more. You could also look into the 7750 which draws all the power it needs from the PCI slot.