will 8800gts fit on my motherboard

That does look like it will fit, the picture is a bit small though, hard to tell.

Depending on what case your are going to put it into, the 8800GTS is exactly 9" long, you need to make sure there is enough space at the rear of the motherboard to accept a card that long.

As far as the chipset cooler is concerned, my 8800GTS sits directly above the heatsink and clears it fairly easily, there is about 1/4" between them so I wouldn't expect you to have any problems.

As far as the memory goes, there are a lot of other posts here about which one is best, it really comes down to what you play and the resolutions you play at.
I have the eVGA 8800GTS 320 MB on the eVGA Mobo 680i SLI. The video card barely fit in my FULL Tower ATX case. Oh, you will probably need a new power supply too. I went to Fry's and got a Thermal Take Tough Power 750W for only $100.00. I think it is retail for $200.00. The eVGA Mobo and 8800GTS are power hunger board. Good luck! The 8800 GTS 320 MB ROCKS! 8)
well thats good to hear but im wondering should i save the 80 bucks and get a psu or should i just pay 80 more for more memory then another 50 for psu cuz money doesnt come that quick for me
Spend the money and get a good quality PSU. RAM can be upgraded at anytime, but if your old PSU fails it could put some serious hurt on your system ie: kill the MB.

Check out PSU 101 and the PSU reference lists that mpilch created to get a good idea on what you will need.
Spend the money and get a good quality PSU. RAM can be upgraded at anytime, but if your old PSU fails it could put some serious hurt on your system ie: kill the MB.

Check out PSU 101 and the PSU reference lists that mpilch created to get a good idea on what you will need.

I think he meant memory as in 8800gts 640mb or 320mb not ram... :roll:
No need to roll eyes. Honest mistake. As far as the video RAM, it all depends. What Res is your monitor. The 640mb card performs better at higher resolutions, 1600x1200 or up, than the 320mb. If you game at a lower res, the 320 will perform just fine. My comments still stand about the PSU though.
I just got my 8800 GTS 320MB yesterday for the computer I'm building and it is HUGE! I had to slide my HD down to the next slot for it to fit. I'm still waiting for my XP pro to come in so I can test it out.

From the pictures of the MB, it looks like the heatsink for the southbridge isn't higher than the actual PCIe port so it looks like the 8800 will fit.
The sink on his board IS higher than the PCIe slots, but is NOT noticebly higher than the PCI slots. PCIe slots are shorter in height than PCI slots. Card coolers are made with around 3/16 clearence above adjacent PCI slots, therfor it fits.
well since the board takes up 2 things in the back cuz the fan i was wondering if that heatsink would get in the way because of that reason
The motherboard's southbridge heatsink is short enough because the video card's cooler has a little extra clearence between it and the board. The other thing that might be under the edge of the video card cooler is the IDE port, but that end of the video card cooler is round and has significantly more clearence.
i was wondering will the south bridge be down far enough for it to fit on the motherboard because it looks like its right under or close the the pcie slot and since it takes up 2 slots i didnt know if it would fit cuz the south bridge is to far up
Are you asking whether the CHIPSET sink will touch the CARD sink and prevent the card from pushing in all the way?

I've already answered that question three times.

If you're asking whether the tail end of the card itself (its circuit board) will collide with those black componenents, I have news for you: That portion of every card is cut off. Simply asking such a question means you've never taken the time to look at a graphics photograph.