Question Will a 1080 Ti have problems running on my system ?


Feb 19, 2019
Here are my specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 af cpu
Asus dual rx 580 4gb gpu
T-force vulcan 2x8 3200mhz ram
Asrock b450m hdv R4.0 motherboard
Fortron hyper m 600w 85+ psu

I'm wondering if my psu will be able to handle an Asus Strix 1080 Ti that my friend is gonna trade for my rx 580. I know im gonna have solid bottleneck but its basically being given to me and it's gonna be a huge upgrade since I play CS2 and other fps games and triple A games but they dont run too well on my current gpu. I just wanna know if i'll have problems running it?
Any help would be appreciated.
Tier C, in the 'speculative position' section. You're likely past warranty too, and PSUs do 'age' over time as well.
I doubt it'll go smoothly; PC will crash when 1080 Ti hits the psu hard enough.
Hmm... I mean there's gonna be bottleneck from my cpu anyway so i might as well just undervolt it, no? Maybe that will help.