Will a 1gb GTX 460 work with my rig?


Oct 20, 2011
Hi everyone,

This is the first time I'm changing individual hardware in my desktop. My old GeForce 8800 has died and I'm thinking of getting a GeForce GTX 460 to replace it and want to be sure it will work.

My specs are:
Asus P5E mobo
Intel Quad 2 Q6600
16 gigs of OCZ DDR2 ram
Ultra Xfinity 600W PSU
Seagate 2tb HD
LG CD/DVD drive
ViewSonic VX922 19" LCD

I'm mostly worried about the PSU not being enough or the monitor not working with the card although perhaps you guys can think of more issues I might have...

Any advice would be appreciated!

I ran my msi gtx460 hawk with a antec 550w psu with no probs after buying another for sli i had to upgrade psu, good choice on the gtx460 in my sys with a old amd athlon x2 5400 @ 2.93ghz with 2gb ocz gold ddr2 800 i can easily play all games on high settings with no less the 50fps. Usally in Crysis 2 i get about 55fps on 1080p with settings on high. In halo 2 for vista with everything maxxed i get about 140fps. I paid 164 each from the egg a few weeks back now there down to 159 and less with rebates. Also the MSI Hawk card is superior quality.

The highest resolution I can get is 1280x1024. It is not widescreen which is what worries me...

It will work but as others have already said, your CPU @stock speeds is going to hold back performance a bit and at that resolution it will also be doing a lot of the work. If you do get a GTX460 you might want to start thinking about replacing your monitor in the near future.

That is definitely on the horizon. I've been using this monitor for about four years now and wouldn't mind a change of view. Unfortunatley being a lowly intern doesen't give you much financial freedom so a VC is all I can afford at the moment. Will be getting the card this weekend and have my fingers crossed that all goes well.

Thanks for all your help!
in old system i had q6600 not OC - paired with gtx 460 soc and could play most if not all games at 1920x1080 with high/max game quality i had 4GB ddr2 also trust us, if you get the card you should save for a nice 24" lcd/led/3d monitor

have a look at the overclocking potential of your mobo/cpu - if you can OC the cpu you will likely get less of a bottleneck and hopefully increased performance. if you can OC be safe and monitor the the q6600 temps

is this inside a dell?
