Will a B450M Mobo be able to support 8gb of ram with a ryzen 5 2600 (non x)?

Dec 26, 2018
I am about to order my New cpu that i want in this case it is a Ryzen 5 2600 6 core 3.4ghz. I want to pair it up with another new item i am going to order, in this case its a B450M pro 6gb/s. i have 8ram soon to order 16 in a month or so. My gpu i sa 1050ti, on a budget but will upgrade to a 1070 as soon as possiibale. Is this a decent upgrade, is it all compatible
Adding ram in the future, has no guarantee that the two pieces will work together. The only guaranteed way is to buy both DIMMs as a set. The manufacturer guarantees they will work together.