Will a Gigabyte 970 G1 fit in to a Bitfenix Neos?


Dec 19, 2014
I have the Bitfenix Neos and I utterly hate it for many reasons but it just occurred to me that my Gigabyte 970 that is currently in the mail might not even fit. The Neos can fit up to a 310mm card and the G1 is a 312mm card. Looking around the web gave no definitive answers so I am wondering if anyone has this setup or any insight. Will the 0.2mm cause too much of an issue that I would need a new card or case?

I currently have an EVGA 760 SC in the case.

Ya my only issue is that the area I would need to cut is the 2.5" drive cages which houses my 840 EVO. Maybe I will just throw it in the 3.5" bay with or without an adapter, I'll figure it out, thanks.
SSD's don't need to be mounted. My SSD is literally not attached to anything really. I have the power cable and SATA cable velcro'd to a spot and the SSD just kind of connects to the cords. The cords are the ones that is doing the lifting. I'd show you a picture but it's on my phone 😛 Moral of the story is, SSD's don't need proper mounting due to them having no moving parts. HDD's do, however.

Lmao. I put another fan on my radiator, on the other side since it was extra, and I realized they didn't give me any screws so I had two on one side and two on the other and if I got it to tight the fan would stop because it was lopsided hahah. Just went to Lowes and got some black ones. They have some sites for computers with cool screws. It was funny though bc I like to try and make mine look nice. But if they cant see it and its in the front of my case behind the front that is, and it blows right over the video card I say oh dear I screwed up lol. Whatever works

I apologize Mr. Saga Lout. Isn't that some kind of English slang or drunk person or something along those lines lol? Or am I way off?

Ya it is not modular so I will need to remove everything from the PC, grab a drill and drill through the rivets bitfenix loves throwing everywhere on the case to make it as hard as possible to mod or even remove something from the case. .... Ok upon further inspection of the case the SSD tray is the only thing holding up the 5 and a quarter inch bays as I removed the rivets for that in another case mod. I can't put screws in to where the rivets used to be due to the side panel not being able to close. I am trying to think of a way to make this work as I don't really want to buy another case without giving this all I have. Ill update this with a picture soon.


You cant really see but the rivets up top are gone and the only support for the disk drive bays is that SSD cage. I am not sure how to tackle this. PS sorry about cable management it makes me cringe too but this case has less than 1cm of space in the back. I need to put my entire body on the side panel to flatten it out and close it.

Could be taken that way but can also indicate a past offender as such but now reformed. If I changed my handle, I'd have to buy another coffee mug. 😀

LOL. Well Congratulations on that. 😀 I mean it. Everyone deserves a second chance!

So I take it that its longer than the one you have? Anychance that you can fit it between the bars coming down or have a blowtorch and warm them up it you only need a millimeter. It its on its way I might hold off. If I would have know I would have said that they come in different sizes, lol, sorry. You might be ok and if not can bend or cut a bit. Or get a new case lol.I am sure lots of offices have to get rid of them.I have a couple old computers here. Let me know what you do i am curious.

Ya I am getting the G1 Gaming so it is a rather long card. I know I could've gotten a shorter card but I really wanted the Gigabyte one. Bending it is a good option if i need to, but I am still kind of worried about the structural integrity of the 5 1/4" bays. If I do get a new case it will be the Enthoo Pro not some old dumpster diving case lol. When the card does arrive and I figure this all out I will definitely update this thread to let you know. Thanks.

Well to my sadness but my wallet's delight I will not need the Enthoo Pro. It was tough to actually get in but once installed it still has like 2cm of clearance to the SSD cage. Thanks for the help though!

I love the G1's. I don't know why other people get anything else when they are as far as I know always the fastest and look good . Im hoping to get a 980ti G1 maybe a 980 we will see. Luckily I just took out one drive pay holding 3 drives and it will fit right in. And i still have 5 internal hard drives lol.

Ya I am loving this card. It hardly goes above 60 degrees unless it is a very intensive game then it has never gone above 70. It boosts usually up to 1534MHz but I have seen it go up to 1573 once. That is with no voltage adjustments at all and +112% power. The card has almost no coil whine but I have heard on occasion but was faint, the fans are not nearly as loud as everyone claims they are, yet still audible and I have an aggressive curve. I did wish the LED's changed colour, the further parts of the backplate were more rigid, and they should've added a manual dual bios switch rather than the different ports have different bios' nonsense, but I am very happy overall. I really want to purchase an Enthoo series case though just for those beautiful looks. Not sure between the Pro or Luxe.

EDIT: Ok so I just googled the Phanteks Pro on Amazon just to browse and it was $130 with 5 dollar shipping compared to $150 with 25 dollar shipping on newegg so the grand total came to 150 as opposed to 195. I honestly hardly even remember what happened from when I saw that total to now with a receipt and tracking number for the case.

Yeah I think only the 980ti G1 has multi colored LED's. I hate when you have say a red case and then a bright blue windforce on the side. Luckily mine is blue. They might as well just do white or off at least. The 970 G1 is amazing in it clockability if that is even a word lol. And wow 1573MHz that is insane. But yeah I have noticed like cases some parts just have huge sales you just have to be there. I found a $110 PSU great ratings and it was on sale and then a rebate card for newegg of $35 which I will use and the PSU ended up being $40!!!

Ya my system has a blue theme going aswell with the keyboard, mouse, fans, and even fan controller glow blue so it really didn't harm my system's theme. Ya the 970 I only have +122 and +180 on the core and mem but it boosts up past 1500. That 1573 was a one off thing lol. I have only ever seen it go that far on one occasion and it usually hovers around 1534, which is still not too bad. That is a ridiculously good deal on the PSU, how big was it? I will eventually need to upgrade from this 600 watt PSU and am looking at the EVGA 1000G2.