Will a GTX 660 Ti be able to utilize this monitor?

Jul 16, 2013
Hey guys, I'm considering getting a BenQ XL2420TE as a general purpose/gaming monitor, but this is the first monitor I've ever purchased and I'm wanting advice.

1. Would my EVGA Geforce GTX 660 Ti graphics card even be able to make full use of this monitor, or would this monitor be overkill?

2. I've heard something is bad about the colors with this monitor, but what exactly is wrong with it? Would the colors be at least as good as those of the ViewSonic E70F+SB monitor that I'm currently using? What exactly would I be missing here? I bought an HD tv recently that I think actually has TOO much color, to the point that it hurts my eyes a little because everything looks like it's glowing, so would a low-color tv actually be good for me?

3. Do you think it's a good buy?

Thanks guys, as I said this is my first time, so any feed-back/advice will be appreciated :D
Jul 16, 2013


What do you guys suggest? Since it's in my price-range, would it be better to go ahead and get it just as a monitor with the added benefit that it will be able to keep up with any of my future rigs? Or do you guys think I should consider getting another monitor, or even holding off all together?
Jul 16, 2013

Hmm.... Do you have any suggestions for one that would be good for my graphics card?
ANY 1080p monitor regardless of specs or physical size will perform exactly the same with your GPU. The ONLY thing that affects performance in resolution.

I would get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236288&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Jul 16, 2013

Very interesting, especially if I plan to keep this graphics card for a while. However, while I was looking around on that link I noticed that the "ASUS VS248H-P Black 24" 2ms HDMI LED" is actually at the same price at the moment. Would that one be a better deal?
Jul 16, 2013

Hmm. alright then, that's starting to sound like a really good alternative! Do you think the picture quality would outweigh the extra 4ms of response time for non-professional gaming?
Jul 16, 2013

Hey guys,
I never did order a new monitor (holidays pushed everything back, you all know the feeling :p) and I'm seriously considering getting the monitor above. But while I'm considering my decision, I was wondering if anyone could tell me which specs to look for when comparing this monitor with others so I can judge if there are better ones. Sounds like Hertz don't matter unless I have a really great video card, so what am I looking for? Panel type, black levels, color levels? There's just so many different specs! :p

Any help will be appreciated :)
Jul 16, 2013

Hmm, ok with that in mind I went searching Newegg to see what the other offerings were (I always like to make sure I'm not missing something that's all-around better) and found two other monitors that are about an inch bigger and a year newer while still being IPS and 5ms, and I'm hoping for a second opinion since this is all new to me (you know, if you have the time :D)

The one that looks the best is the ASUS VN248H-P, which gains about 0.8 inches and a whole bunch of other features on the overview page for exactly the same price (it's actually a more expensive item, but it's having a larger sale too). The only feature it looks like I'd be losing is the "50,000,000:1 ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio", but is that even important?

The only other one that I'm even considering is the ASUS VS24AH-P Black 24", which looks better that the 23" but worse than the 23.8" (plus a $60 price jump) but I thought I'd just toss it out there for you guys to look at in case there's something I'm missing.

I think I'm pretty close to making my final decision. Thanks for helping me with this Voices! :D
Jul 16, 2013

Ok, so you're saying that the 23.8 inch (this one) is the best deal of the three and is a better than the original 23 inch one that we talked about? (and that the 24 inch is the one not worth the money)

Just wanting to be extra sure since we've talked about so many :p
Jul 16, 2013

Ok I'm getting a little confused about the numbering, since I'm not sure if the original 23" counts as the "first" or the 23.8" (the first one I suggested). I just really like to make the best decision the 1st time around :p

So as it stands, here's what I think we agree the order of which is best:
1. (Best) ASUS VN248H-P Super Narrow Bezel Black 23.8" for $169
2. (2nd best) ASUS VS239H-P Black 23" 5ms for $169
3. (worst) ASUS VS24AH-P Black 24" for $239

I think we're agreeing that the ASUS VN248H-P Super Narrow Bezel Black 23.8" is the best, but I'm pretty much basing my decision on what you're telling me so I'm wanting to be positive I understand :)

So do you agree with the list, or is something out of order?
Jul 16, 2013

Ok thanks! I think that answers all of my questions :D

I'll leave the thread open until my purchase goes through just in case I want to ask anything else, but that should be it :)
Jul 16, 2013

IT CAME IT CAME!! I just set it up today, and it looks great! My games in particular look great on it :D I gave you the best answer, thanks for all your help!

The only think I still need a bit of help with is the calibrating. The main problem is with word documents, as something about the bright white keeps making my eyes feel weird. I keep turning the brightness down because of it, and it's currently down to 10%. Also, and I don't know if this is related, but the reds and the greens still seem a little off.

Do you have any advice? I tried using this website, but could only get so far with it:
Jul 16, 2013

Oh, ok then I'll probably just wing it. It's probably not even really the monitor's fault, my eyes had developed this weird sensitivity to bright white screens these last few months. Maybe I'll get use to it.

But anyway, thanks for all your help, you really helped me make a good decision and taught me a lot! And to think that I was originally planning on buying a TN panel as my main screen :p
Jul 16, 2013
Uh, actually on second thought I do have a new problem...literally right after I posted here I decided to boot up Just Cause 2 Multiplayer mod, but then my screen went black with the sign "out of range" writing on it! I put the computer into and out of sleep mode to see if that would fix it but it didn't. Then I just unplugged the HDMI cable from the monitor and plugged it back in, and now things seem to work fine...

Any idea what that's about?