Will a GTX 760 Fit in My Case?


Jul 27, 2013
How do you post pictures? I was going to email them from my iPod to my computer and put them in but it says it needs a URL? How do I get the URL for a picture I took?
Basically OEM PSU's are not that good to run aftermarket GPU's, cause they generally are low in wattage, and missing PCI-E supplementary power cables.

Thanks, here it goes.
The first is a 12 inch tape measure, the second is 4 inches from the CPU, the third and fourth are just lit up pictures of the case after we finally managed to find a flashlight lol

The computer is an Acer Aspire M3970G it has a AMD Radeon HD 7350 in it right now and a i5-2320 CPU with I think a 500W PSU, the Motherboard it says is an Acer Aspire M3970G and the PCI slot says PCIE_X1_1 does that mean it won't work with a GTX 760? And from outside it is about 14 inches x 14 inches x 6 1/2 or 7 inches, the only thing I'm worried about is the PCI slot not working with a GTX 760 and whether or not the GTX 760 would collide with the RAM and it not be able to be put in.

Card Dimensions 10.24" x 4.96" x 1.50", so I think there is not enough room inside the case to fit the card.

And the card requires a 6-pin Power Cable and a 8-Pin Power Cable from PSU, do your PSU have it ?

If that is a PCI-E 2.0 slot then there is nothing to worry about. All GPU's are backward/forward compatible.


Well... crap haha.

Well, that's okay. I'm probably going to try to build a new computer or go to that website that builds it for you.
Intel Core i7-4770k - $339.99
Gigabyte OC GTX 770 4GB - $389.99
G.Skill Ripjaw X Series 8GB RAM - $78.99
MSI Z87-G45 Gaming Motherboard - $154.99
Corsair HX650W 80 Plus Gold Modular PSU - $119.99
Seagate Barracuda 2TB HDD - $89.99
Kingston HyperX 120GB SSD - $99.99
Rosewill THOR Gaming ATX Full Tower Computer Case - $129.99
Windows 7 Home Premium OS - $99.99
Total - $1,503.91
Should run the games I want to play pretty well.