will a gtx 970 bottleneck a fx 6300


Sep 7, 2013
ok so had post a recent thread asking about my next gpu upgrade as at the moment i have a gtx 760. the suggestion was to go for a gtx 970 as this seem to be the best gpu within my price range.

however there was a concern that the 970 would bottleneck the 6300 is that the case as i would like more clarification around this before i make a decision.

just to be clear my knowledge around this topic is pretty basic so any explanations will need to take that into account


Not really, the 6300 runs at 3.5GHz with 4.1GHz turbo... Shouldn't really be bottle-necked.

However I would also recommend upgrading to an AMD FX8350 - It's a beast am currently using it does everything I want to.
Yeah, it'll bottleneck, but if you have a good cpu cooler you can OC the CPU and run that card with no problems. But, if you just have basic knowledge of all this. I would just go ahead and get a new CPU, the FX 8350 is what I have and it's fantastic.

well i have managed to clock the 6300 up to 4ghz but it hasn't been stable so need to give it another go. I've got a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo fitted so hoping to be able to get 4.1 - 4.2 stable oc once I've got my head round it

Not really, the 6300 runs at 3.5GHz with 4.1GHz turbo... Shouldn't really be bottle-necked.

However I would also recommend upgrading to an AMD FX8350 - It's a beast am currently using it does everything I want to.

You're asking him to buy a new motherboard and CPU. When the Question was just will his current CPU bottleneck 970 or not - Answer is no.
Its more like the other way around (will an FX-6300 bottleneck a GTX 970). Anyway, the benefit of a stronger GPU runs out with the FX-6300 around the R9 280X or GTX 770 level. Beyond that you're pretty much just spinning your wheels (and spending money unnecessarily).
From a guy running a 6300 with a gtx970 (yup me ;-)

Yes it will limit the max fps of the 970 - fact.
A - i5 with a 970 will pull 100fps+ on ultra with advanced warfare.
A 6300 will only pull around 80fps with a 970
Therefore its most definitely a bottleneck.
Is it anything to worry about and/or should you disregard the 970 as a viable purchase??
Definitely NOT

At 1080p 60htz with vsync on its going to pull a steady 60fps on literally every game out there on ultra irregardless of the CPU limitations.
If you have the budget mate go for it is my opinion - at £60-£70 more than a 280x the temps & power draw alone are worth that yo me personally (upgraded from a 280x for those exact reasons)

Edit - you could do with getting that 6300 up to 4ghz or thereabouts - that's the best performance /voltage/temp ratio IMO.
A 6300 should do that on stock voltage - what motherboard are you using??

HI Madmatt30 heres my current specs

Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+
AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core
EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Superclocked ACX Video Card
PNY XLR8 8GB (4GB) DDR3-1600
kingston 1600 (4GB) c9d3/4gx

the rig is only around 9 months old and was only ever meant to be a budget pc. i wanted one that would compete with the next gen consoles and felt at the time the 760 was the best choice in my price range.

as i said before i'm just a little gutted that i need to upgrade the GPU now, but if i'm able to get hold of a 970 im hoping to avoid having to upgrade for a while.

i will only be running at 1080p.

Decent board ,good cooler - you should have no problem running at 4ghz+ mate,none at all - what were your stability issues when youve overclocked before??

to put the 6300 at 4ghz + 970 into perspective with new titles

ac unity - 50fps locked at ultra (gpu is at 99% constantly so optimisation issues)
Alien isolation 60fps locked 60-70% gpu usage
farcry 4 - Ultra - 60fps locked
dead rising 3 - can get a locked fps at 50 if i fanny about with settings a bit (poorly optimised game)
COD advanced warfare - all settings maxed - 60fps solid locked

so definitely a viable upgrade imo - you can pretty much set ultra & 60fps vsync in any game & forget about it.

Problem I had was getting all the cores stable, all but 2 showed errors on prime 95. Oc with multiplier set at 20, cool n quiet off, and turbo off with no change in voltage. Ndd to do a bit more reading I think lol