redpill :
madmatt30 :
From a guy running a 6300 with a gtx970 (yup me ;-)
Yes it will limit the max fps of the 970 - fact.
A - i5 with a 970 will pull 100fps+ on ultra with advanced warfare.
A 6300 will only pull around 80fps with a 970
Therefore its most definitely a bottleneck.
Is it anything to worry about and/or should you disregard the 970 as a viable purchase??
Definitely NOT
At 1080p 60htz with vsync on its going to pull a steady 60fps on literally every game out there on ultra irregardless of the CPU limitations.
If you have the budget mate go for it is my opinion - at £60-£70 more than a 280x the temps & power draw alone are worth that yo me personally (upgraded from a 280x for those exact reasons)
Edit - you could do with getting that 6300 up to 4ghz or thereabouts - that's the best performance /voltage/temp ratio IMO.
A 6300 should do that on stock voltage - what motherboard are you using??
HI Madmatt30 heres my current specs
Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+
AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core
EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB Superclocked ACX Video Card
PNY XLR8 8GB (4GB) DDR3-1600
kingston 1600 (4GB) c9d3/4gx
the rig is only around 9 months old and was only ever meant to be a budget pc. i wanted one that would compete with the next gen consoles and felt at the time the 760 was the best choice in my price range.
as i said before i'm just a little gutted that i need to upgrade the GPU now, but if i'm able to get hold of a 970 im hoping to avoid having to upgrade for a while.
i will only be running at 1080p.
Decent board ,good cooler - you should have no problem running at 4ghz+ mate,none at all - what were your stability issues when youve overclocked before??
to put the 6300 at 4ghz + 970 into perspective with new titles
ac unity - 50fps locked at ultra (gpu is at 99% constantly so optimisation issues)
Alien isolation 60fps locked 60-70% gpu usage
farcry 4 - Ultra - 60fps locked
dead rising 3 - can get a locked fps at 50 if i fanny about with settings a bit (poorly optimised game)
COD advanced warfare - all settings maxed - 60fps solid locked
so definitely a viable upgrade imo - you can pretty much set ultra & 60fps vsync in any game & forget about it.