Will a Intel Core i7 940XM (Quad-Core)( with 8MB of cache data and 2.3 GHz work on my laptop?

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Feb 24, 2015
I am attempting to modify my old HP G42-415DX Laptop that doesn't run video games that well to be a very efficient gaming laptop. I would just usually buy a laptop, but all of the pro gaming laptops cost 1000 dollars, and since I am only 14, I cannot get a job to pay for this. I am attempting to try to make my computer a reliable gaming laptop. The problem is, I cannot figure out what types of microprocessors are compatible with my laptop. I would look inside it myself, but I am afraid of breaking it and causing permanent damage. Could someone please help me and tell me if this processor will work with my laptop? If it doesn't work, I also would like to have a list of compatible processors so I can decide on which one to get.

Laptops are not designed to be upgradable. CPUs are usually soldered in, and laptop cooling is designed around that particular CPU / GPU.

But even if your laptop was upgradable (and it is not, cheap HP laptop), it has AMD CPU, so no way you can plug i7 there (and i7 is desktop CPU, not mobile - very few laptops are built with desktop CPUs).

I am sorry to crush your hopes, but there is nothing you can do to upgrade your laptop.

Edit: You can speed it up a little bit by replacing the hard drive with SSD, but I would rather save these $150 for your new laptop.
Laptops are not designed to be upgradable. CPUs are usually soldered in, and laptop cooling is designed around that particular CPU / GPU.

But even if your laptop was upgradable (and it is not, cheap HP laptop), it has AMD CPU, so no way you can plug i7 there (and i7 is desktop CPU, not mobile - very few laptops are built with desktop CPUs).

I am sorry to crush your hopes, but there is nothing you can do to upgrade your laptop.

Edit: You can speed it up a little bit by replacing the hard drive with SSD, but I would rather save these $150 for your new laptop.
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