Your motherboard has an H110 chipset (not "1150 chipset") which has an LGA1151 socket. This H110 (as well as B150, H170, Z170) supports 6th-gen Skylake CPUs out-of-the-box. Other motherboards with LGA1151 sockets are the B250, H270, and Z270, which supports both 6th-gen Skylake and 7th-gen Kaby Lake CPUs out-of-the-box.
Note that the LGA1150 sockets (you mentioned in your question) are for older 4th-gen Haswell CPU's that fits in B85, H81, H87, H97, Z87, and Z97-chipset motherboards.
The Intel i5-6600K, a 6th-gen Skylake CPU will fit the H110M PRO-VHL motherboard you have. However, this particular CPU is overclockable ("K"-series)...