Will a new router help with lag?


Mar 25, 2014
Currently I am running A Xfinity router called Cisco DPC3941T. Anytime my brother or anyone gets on youtube, Netflix or starts playing xbox I start lagging in my computer game. I also download at 500kbs and that is shitty and am looking to boost that as well. Is there any chance buying a new router will help me with lagging? Our router comes with a 2.4ghz and a 5ghz and I am wondering id that affects the speeds at all. But please help me
First thing you need to check is your Internet plan. You need to know what your supposed to get for download and up load speeds. Then compare them to your speeds when no one is using the the network. If you are significantly lower than the plan you will want to test being hard lined to the router. IF your speeds are lower than 10 mbps you will lag when some one starts streaming video. If this is the case you will need to up you internet speed from your ISP. \

New router most likely wont help. Check your speeds from the ISP first to ne sure your not haveing an issue there then check your network. then move on to upping the internet speed if needed.
Sorry for the late responce, needed sleep :) What you changed is the ability of "g" devices to connect. Now devices with WiFi "g" (mainly older devices) will be able to connect to the network. The main difference is speed that the devices can send and receive data ( G = 54 mbps and N = 450+ mbps ). There are slight other differences between the two but this is the major one. What you did did not hurt anything.

Somewhere in the settings, usually under "Radio" or "Wireless", there is a setting that says channel. This may be set to Auto or can be manually adjusted. Try swapping the channel to 6 then test and then again on channel 11.
If your PC was connecting as a "g" speed rated device the device may have been having data throughput issues.

IF your not experiencing any more issues, than forcing the router to only except "n" rated devices fixed you problem. It was luck that you happened to change the right setting and consider it fixed.

Looking a gift horse in the mouth is an old expression meaning that something good happened and don't go looking for bad in it.