Question Will a non overclocked Ryzen 5 2600x bottleneck a 2070 super?

Any CPU within reason can potentially bottleneck any GPU within reason and vice-versa. It varies wildly from game to game and even between scenes within the same game. The real question is whether the combination will meet or exceed the minimum performance you are aiming for in the specific games you wish to play at the graphics details and resolution you wish to play them at.
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if you have an r5 2600x why wouldn't you oc it? get a b450 motherboard and just let the xfr do it's work if you're not comfortable with manual oc,and please dont get an a320 for ryzen cpus you'll lose alot of potential performance boost with the board
In that case yes, a 2600X may bottleneck your 2070 Super in several cases; you won't reach your max 144 Hz, it will probably hover around 120; if you really want to display 144 fps+, look at a newer 3600X instead.
Overclocking a 2600X usually doesn't yield much increase in performance; making sure it has fast RAM actually helps more for higher FPS.
I'm assuming the Ryzen 7 2700x won't bottleneck right? I'm looking to get that right now as it is very cheap or do you think I should still get the 3600x