WIll a 'Xilence XQ Series 750W' fit in a Bitfenix Prodigy Mini-itx?


Feb 22, 2014
Hi, I want to build a Bitfenix Prodigy and I've been finding all the components that I want, the only one to confuse me is the PSU. I know the depth of the case and the recomended is 140 but I saw Bitfenix comment on a post that said 160 fits fine, so is 167 pushing too far?

Intel Core i7-4771 3.50GHz (Haswell)
Asus Radeon R9 290
Kingston HyperX Beast 16GB (2x8GB)
The rest I haven't figured out.

Also, do you think I'd need a 750W PSU?

All the help would be great, I'm not massively technical.

I had a 160mm modular power supply in a Prodigy, and it barely fit. As in, I had to squeeze the cables at a weird angle to screw the power supply in, so 167 would be too much. That's a weird power supply anyway, that wouldn't be very good in the prodigy, as it would be blowing warmer air into the case, in the opposite direction of airflow.
I just liked the red theme carried out in the build aha. I've never overclocked before and wasn't planning on it, I dont really want to risk my parts breaking so i wanted to get things with a good base stat

Could you suggest a good psu please?
Well by all means, it's your money lol get whatever you want :) I would just get the 4770k just in case you do want to dabble in overclocking. It's very hard to break your components when overclocking when you have a good motherboard/power supply.

The Antec HCG is a top-tier product that goes with the Black/Red theme, and is modular as well :)


It's right at 160mm, but will work in the Prodigy.
are there any like begginers guides to overclocking? I do want to try it, i'm just naturally nervous about it. And what is the difference between 4770k and 4771? is it just the overclocking ability?

cool, thanks a bunch for the help :)
Yeah, the 4770k is just unlocked, and the 4771 I think is clocked 0.1GHz higher, but locked. The stick below has a link to a few great overclocking guides. The steps and theories behind overclocking any of the Intel i7 series will be the same (so just because it says 3770k, the same information will work for the 4770k for what you'll be doing)
