will a8 7600 bottleneck rx 460/ gtx 1050

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Nov 5, 2016
please enlighten me. planning on getting a8 7600 apu now and thinking about getting either rx 460 or 1050 in the near future. im on a tight budget right now.
Dont worry about that, i think everyone cana agree that the A8 7600 is a horrible processor. The only people who buy are want to use the integrated graphics for gaming, and in your case, your also going to get a dedicated graphics card so buying it makes no sense. Also, in processing power of the A8 7600, a good deal cheaper processors easily outperform it.
i just accidentally pressed "pick as the solution" in one of your answer so i'm worried that others wont bother to open up my thread. i still need help with you people. 🙁
Dont worry about that, i think everyone cana agree that the A8 7600 is a horrible processor. The only people who buy are want to use the integrated graphics for gaming, and in your case, your also going to get a dedicated graphics card so buying it makes no sense. Also, in processing power of the A8 7600, a good deal cheaper processors easily outperform it.
If you'll use a rx460 then there is no point of buying more expensive cpu. The a8 7600 is capable enough for that gpu. And its a quad core so you'll be just fine. Avoid the dual cores. You'll be having stutter party especially on newer games. And based on you're question you said you'll buy the gpu "in the near future" so gaming on apu makes sense while you dont have the gpu for having a tight budget.
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