Will an AMD card not run certain games?

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Feb 25, 2013
I am almost entirely sure this is not the case, but something inside me demands an answer. Is there ever a case where having an AMD card or an Nvidia card will prevent me from playing a particular game? I know there is an entire religious war between them, and one card is better at this type of game and these other ones are better for this game, that is irreverent to me. I am building my first gaming computer. Not sure if I am going an Intel or AMD build, leaning AMD for price sake. The card I think I will purchase is a Radeon HD 7850 2GB. partially because it benchmarks well, and I get Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Rader for free. (Aside, any one know if the coupon gets me the preorder bonus on steam?).

You can play any game with either brand, so there's no worries in getting the amd card, in some games, there's some features present that are not accessible to the amd cards(physX and TXAA)but you'll be able to play those games anyway.
You can play any game with either brand, so there's no worries in getting the amd card, in some games, there's some features present that are not accessible to the amd cards(physX and TXAA)but you'll be able to play those games anyway.
totally agree with django. no card in the market today has such handicaps. sure, some have features that help particular games, or better optimizations that yield better use of the card, but the inability to play a game at all, is nonexistent.

There are some games that run better on one and other games that run better on others. Read any of the recent card reviews at Tom's and he will point that out.
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