You're getting mixed answers because the question cannot be answered as asked (though people will try, oh yes, they will). What games do you want to play? What image quality settings do you want? What framerates do you require?
You're getting mixed answers because the question cannot be answered as asked (though people will try, oh yes, they will). What games do you want to play? What image quality settings do you want? What framerates do you require?
I plan to play/stream bf4 at the best settings possible. I can oc my cpu to 4.4 If It would help!
Games that rely on strong cpu power will suffer. The FX 6100 has incredibly weak single core performance. Your 6100 will make do for now, but even a FX 6300 would be a huge upgrade.
It doesn't matter what card they're using; the point of using the ARES II was to remove it from the equation and show you what the CPUs are doing. But if you have all the quality settings turned all the way up, you won't be seeing the numbers from the CPU chart because you'll be completely GPU limited.
It doesn't matter what card they're using; the point of using the ARES II was to remove it from the equation and show you what the CPUs are doing. But if you have all the quality settings turned all the way up, you won't be seeing the numbers from the CPU chart because you'll be completely GPU limited.
Not sure where that leaves me but I won't take anymore of your time! Still not sure where i'll stand fps wise haha
That means if you get 74 FPS with your CPU and an Ares II, you will not be bottlenecking. That means unless you get 100 FPS with your 770, there will be no bottleneck. The 770 gets around 40 FPS on ultra, 70 on high.