Will an AMD Mobile XP 3000+ work with GA7VRXP?

A friend of mine is checking to upgrade his <A HREF="http://www.giga-byte.com/MotherBoard/Products/Products_Spec_GA-7VRXP (Rev 2.x).htm" target="_new">GA-7VRXP (REV2.x)</A> from an XP2000+ to something with a little more OOomph! Now while I told him he might want to look at a mobo and CPU upgrade right now he loves his mobo, and doesn't want to worry about a full upgrade until the fall when he can move to an AMDS939 soluion like I'm planning to do (or he mentioned maybe Intel Dual core).

Now my question is can his mobo (using the KT333) handle a mobile XP3000+ which is the highest FSB133/266 chip I could find, or is there a reason that this wouldn't work. I loked on Gigabyte's support sheet but it's pretty much useless for this because not only does it not list the mobiles it doesn't list the MP and I know that the MP2800+ will work.

The only thing that has me worried about this is the lower voltage of the Mobile core 1.45 vs 1.65 being supported by the mobo. It seems like a great solution, but I'm always worried about some small factor of this or that in the chipset that doesn't support this cpu because of this one small omission.

Anywhoo if anyone can shed some insight on this that would be great, since he can get his hands on a cheap Mobile 3000+ for actually less than an XP2600+ locally, and of course far less than the MP2800+


- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Jul 5, 2002
You won't be able to change the multiplier to anything higher than 12.5 on most KT333 boards with an AXP-M. On the KT333(and many Socket A boards), you either get a multiplier of 13 and higher, or 12.5 and lower. Since the mobile defaults to a really low multiplier, you're limited to up to 12.5.

Luckily, there's a very simple mod to get the higher multipliers (it involves dropping a thin U-shaped wire into the socket). Then you'll have access to 13x and higher, but not anything below that. This way you'd be able to set it to its desired 16.5 multiplier.
Well I wasn't worried about swapping the multiplier it's for someone not too tweakerish, and considering the price he's getting for it really I think he'll be happy to go from the 2000+ to 3000+. Doing the wire trick which I have seen before (isn't there now like a socket add on that does it too?) seems a little beyond him for the time being, but thanks for the confirmation of it probably working, and confirming what I though personally that it'd be at the top multiplier even suported by the dip switches already >12.5

Thanks again.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil: