will an EVGA GeForce GTX 970 be bottlenecked by an intel i5-4460 3.2GHz processor?


pretty bad.you would be better of upgrading your CPU and buying a cheaper GPU but since you would need to buy a different mobo aswell(for 1155 or 1550 socket,you dont want anything first gen)but if you can sell your current combo and get a i5 and 760 or something
No, simply put, it will not be bottlenecked at all.

Bottlenecking occurs when the GPU is unable to reach 99% usage because of CPU limitations.

You'll be just fine.

Would you get a couple more frames per second with a 4790k? Yeah, probably...

As for bottlenecking, no.
I'm sorry for asking in this thread but I have a similar question and I dont wanna create a trash topic. I'm about to buy a 970 too and since I dont have any money left, I'll still be using a i3 530, which I'm sure will bottleneck, I just wanna ask how bad is it?

pretty bad.you would be better of upgrading your CPU and buying a cheaper GPU but since you would need to buy a different mobo aswell(for 1155 or 1550 socket,you dont want anything first gen)but if you can sell your current combo and get a i5 and 760 or something