Will an i5 6600k @ 4.2Ghz & 8GB DDR4 2667Mhz bottleneck newer GPUs?


Mar 8, 2016
i'm about to replace my 750Ti with a newer, more powerful GPU, but i don't know whether something like a GTX 970, 980 or maybe the upcoming 1070 (i'm not into 4k, so i don't need any overkill hardware) will be bottlenecked by the rest of my system.
Any ideas? thanks in advance.
best to go with 1070 than 980...will cost u the same more or less but there is a huge performance difference...the new pascal architecture is much more advanced...also u can consider 16gigs of ram for more multitasking and future proofing...but thts not mandatory though...
The 1070 will be lighter on the PSU (more efficient hardware) and a lot faster. You might want to upgrade that RAM to 16GB if the mobo supports it, then you don't have to worry about that bottlenecking. 1070 should run all your games at 1080x1920 60fps max details no problem. That I5 is an excellent processor for the price. Probably the best price-performance ratio currently on the market.

Note the might. 16GB of ram just gives you extra room in case you need it. I did not say it was necessary. A side note: when I'm playing modded Minecraft my ram usage often goes up to 10gb or more depending on the pack. So it really depends what you want to play.


Good point, but I did say depending on the game you want to play. Minecraft is a 2 threaded game so the I5 will do great and you will see no performance loss compared to the I7. If you have it in the budget, go for 16GB of ram. At the very least you have that capability if you want to. You might also want to for future proofing. Minecraft is a really poorly optimized game though they did the best they could for a runtime language. Modded Minecraft is generally a 4 threads+ game.

task so if you're recording and streaming at the same time you might have some bottle necking, but it REALLY depends on the game. Some games will bottleneck at the CPU (any java based game) and some at the GPU (any other non-runtime language) This assumes you have balanced hardware of course. And to reiterate my solution, go with the 1070 if it's in the budget. If not, go for the 980. Get a good PSU, it really helps. Edit: fixed some grammatical errors
best to go with 1070 than 980...will cost u the same more or less but there is a huge performance difference...the new pascal architecture is much more advanced...also u can consider 16gigs of ram for more multitasking and future proofing...but thts not mandatory though...

Yes. GTX980 is a waste of money, I think you can get 1070 for cheaper than 980, not sure though. Don't get the founder's edition, Nvidia is ripping people off with those. And even if it doesn't help you now, pick up another stick of RAM... It will most likely help you in the future if new games require that. With a 1070 that rig should last you 3-4-5 years depending on what you play.
Definitely go for the GTX1070. The 6600k will be more than enough for it. The 1070 is about as much as the 980 and will perform much better. 1080p60 maxed out on everything is almost guaranteed.