Will an Intel Q65 motherboard work ok with an rx 580?


Nov 23, 2016
so my current build in an old Lenovo m81 with a gtx 1050 2gb stuck in there, but my friend said he would sell me his Rx 580 for really cheap. So I was thinking I would switch cases to fit the Rx 580 in, but, would the Q65 mobo play nice with the Rx 580?

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As both the 1050 and 580 use the PCI/E slot, physically fitting the RX580 should not be a problem. The main question is whether your PSU can support the power needs of the 580. What PSU do you have?

Welcome to Tom's!

As both the 1050 and 580 use the PCI/E slot, physically fitting the RX580 should not be a problem. The main question is whether your PSU can support the power needs of the 580. What PSU do you have?

My friend is also giving me a 500w PSU with the card so that should work. Thanks for answering my question!