I want to upgrade to a 2070 so I can play in 1440p but I'd hate to spend all that money on an expensive GPU and new monitor just to have to upgrade my processor as well. What are your thoughts?
It will be just 60hzIf you want to play high refresh rate 1440p via triple A title games, they will be demanding on the processor. If you only expect to get a little over 60 fps and don't care out high refresh rate gaming then you'd be better off pairing a RTX 2060 to get the same performance output. What refresh rate is your 1440p monitor?
Alright. Will most likely pick it up then start looking for a CPU upgrade most likely the i5-9600k.Depends on the specific games in question.
In particularly CPU intensive titles, the quad-core nature of the 6500 will likely hold back the 2070 a little bit.
For the most part though, 1440p higher settings, you should have a pretty good experience.