[SOLVED] Will an rx580 4gb bottleneck an AMD FX 6300?


Jan 10, 2019
I am currently running an AMD FX6300 and an RX 560 2GB with 16gb of DDR3 ram, i want to upgrade my GPU to something with atleast 4gb of vram. I was looking at an RX 560 8gb and i'm wondering if it will bottleneck my CPU, would it be better to get an rx 570 4gb instead?
I can't really afford to upgrade my whole rig right now so would getting one of these GPU's be a good choice? Also i'm running everything on 1080p right now.

Oh oops, that's what i meant in the first place i just kinda rushed this, thanks for the answer!
As said it depends on the game but my rough guess is you'd gain between 30% and 60% higher AVERAGE FPS with a top-end CPU depending on the game.

(It's hard to compare since more MODERN games tend to have CPU bottleneck tests with a higher-end card)

SKYRIM is more likely to have a CPU bottleneck (not well threaded) so here's an FX-8350 (close enough) and it's way behind an i7 of that year which is similar to an R5-1400 Ryzen CPU: https://techreport.com/review/23750/amd-fx-8350-processor-reviewed/5

So the i7 at top of chart is about 70% faster with same GPU and settings... but in a more threaded game like Battlefield 3 or Batman AK there's less difference.

That's AVERAGE FPS. There are almost more stutters on average with weaker CPU's (called 0.1% and 1% lows in frame time tests).

RX-570 is about 80% faster so I'd say you'll gain at least 40% boost on average some higher some lower.

The higher VRAM (video memory) may be more important for smooth gameplay though I'd still hold off for a card with more than 4GB depending on how much you value the time vs money.

So... the RX-570 4GB should give:
1) higher FPS average for most games
2) less stutters if VRAM is an issue (i.e. 2GB wasn't enough)
3) CPU stutters that existed before would remain

SHOOTERS for example often rely heavily on the CPU.