Will any RAM work?

first off was that an 6800k or an 8600k, the 6800k will not work with that board, a 8600k will. assuming a typo and 8600k.

you will need DDR4. if you want dual channel you will want matched sets of RAM. so no not any RAM will work. with the 8600k and a zboard you will want to get 3200 as a minimum, if I recall that board can support faster RAM with overclocking. also look for the lowest cas in each class. DDR4 3200 cas 17 is worse/slower than DDR4 3200 CAS 15
first off was that an 6800k or an 8600k, the 6800k will not work with that board, a 8600k will. assuming a typo and 8600k.

you will need DDR4. if you want dual channel you will want matched sets of RAM. so no not any RAM will work. with the 8600k and a zboard you will want to get 3200 as a minimum, if I recall that board can support faster RAM with overclocking. also look for the lowest cas in each class. DDR4 3200 cas 17 is worse/slower than DDR4 3200 CAS 15
Any DDR4 will work to the extent that you like any level of crappy performance. Faster RAM with lower latency will always cost more because they are more desirable because they produce better performance results.

if I confuse you here forgive me.

"Column Access Strobe latency, or CL, is the delay time between the moment a memory controller tells the memory module to access a particular memory column on a RAM module, and the moment the data from the given array location is available on the module's output pins." wikipedia

CAS is measured in clock cycles. meaning both of those you mentioned would be roughly the same. the extra 200mhz would allow one CAS. the actual work getting done would be the same.
as the clock freq increases so MUST the CAS speed. getting the lowest in each speed class will ensure the best results. when DDR was new DDR1 mind you the speeds were in the few hundreds of MHZ the CAS speeds were in the low single digits. faster clocks higher CAS its like a rule.
hence the suggestion to find the lowest CAS at the needed speed.