Will Athlon II x2 255 Bottleneck new GPU ?


May 21, 2012
I want to upgrade my old 9500 GT to a HD 7770, HD 6850, or GTX 470, but I am concerned that my Athlon II x2 255 @ 3.10 Ghz will bottleneck any of them.
My current system is
Mobo: Asus m4A78LT-M-LE, 8GB 1333 RAM, Athlon II x2 255 3.10 Ghz, Nvidia 9500 GT.
I just want to play games like Battlefield 3, Guild Wars 2 and such with decent graphics and framerates. I don`t need Ultra settings, just decent. And i probably won`t have money to upgrade my processor. I can just place better cooler and OC it, if needed.
I`ve found all of the metioned GPU`s on the same price (second hand), and I want to know will it be a good idea to upgrade to any of them, even if I get only around 80% of them.
Thanks in advance :)

Well, if it`s not more than 10% I will procceed buying the 470 , if FSP Gold 500 W is good enough PS for it.

It's gonna be more than 10% for sure.
I had an athlon x2 255 paired with an hd 7750 and I could only play low settings on BF3 on 32 players and less and I only got 30 fps at most. You will be severely bottlenecked with a 7750 or above card. and when I say severely bottlenecked while playing bf3, I was maxing out my CPU @ 100% usage while playing BF3 on low settings and very small amount of players.... It was a dreadful experience.... Honestly it is worth it upgrade to something like a 7750, but remember in BF3 you will be so heavily bottlenecked it won't be fun. I can say this with experience.

sry to revive post but i have a question chief.. you were bottlenecked in multiplayer only or also in sp? How many fps did you get in bf3 single player? ( i would be using that card and cpu for a 1360 x 768 resolution)
sry to revive post but i have a question chief.. you were bottlenecked in multiplayer only or also in sp? How many fps did you get in bf3 single player? ( i would be using that card and cpu for a 1360 x 768 resolution)

Well I`ve just got mine HD 7770, but I still haven`t spared money for new CPU. So in Guild wars 2 There was enormous improvment, I now play on high setting with stable FPS, but I still can`t get the best graphics in GW 2, even though other people with 7770 play on ultra with stable frames. It`s the same in Planetside 2, since it`s really massive online shooter with hundreds of people at the same time in the same place, there is hardly any improvement with my new 7770. I can`t play on higher than "low" settings with stable FPS, but at the same time I see people on youtube playing it on Ultra with the same card. So in conclusion it seems that my CPU or Mobo severely bottleneck the 7770, I will now download BF3 to test it out and gonna give you feedback.


Well I downloaded BF 3 and on the campaing I play on high/utlra settings without problems. It seems that I have trouble with games which require not only good GPU but a decent CPU as well. In my opinion you won`t have problems with single player games where there aren`t many players, but if you wanna max out the MMO genres you gonna need a decent CPU as well.


if you run it on high - ultra with a 7770 i should be able to run it on medium -high on the 7750. great news! as i would be playing just SP games.

Thanks for the info! and damn you have fast internet. 😛