Will athlon x4 750K botleneck RX460 ?

Crazy Tubex

Apr 16, 2016
So I have amd athlon x4 750K and rx 460 . Is my CPU botlenecking my GPU I was thinking of upgrading my base system CPU RAM MOBO , Im waiting for amd zen to come out to se what amd is offering before I go out and buy something like i3 7100 . So what Im trying to ask is is athlon botlenecking rx460 or should I just not botter upgrading , CPU is clocked at 4.5ghz using AIO coller .

I would suggest then waiting until early March. Nvidia leaks suggest the 1080ti launch and repricing of all their old GPU's. AMD is sure to follow suit and match Nvidia on price changes. Still the 460 should be fine so how about the 4GB versions?
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon RX 460 4GB WINDFORCE OC Video Card (€126.49 @ Amazon Italia)
Total: €126.49
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available...
I believe it will tbh, Anything AMD prior to Ryzen is pretty trash. the 460 isn't the best card but I think it will out preform a x4 750k anyday. So you will more than likely get a bottleneck with that CPU and GPU combo compared to lets say a i7-6700k with a rx 460, The I7 will out preform it a shit ton meaning there is bottleneck.. Anyways I suggest waiting for Ryzen to come out, It looks very promising there is a huge variety of CPU's releasing on Ryzen Architecture.

also Upgrading to a i3-7100 would be a waste as a kabylake i5 will out preform it by far for a tiny bit extra cost.
Yes your CPU will but not enough to matter. The Ryzen is set to launche between Feb 28 to March 2 so you should know soon. If you plan to move upto Ryzen then just go ahead and get a good GPU like the 470. The 470 is only about $50 more and way faster.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: MSI Radeon RX 470 4GB ARMOR OC Video Card ($158.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $158.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-02-19 11:04 EST-0500
Problem here where I am Serbia prices are totaly <<watch the language please>> , rx 460 2gb is 110 bucks 4gb wich I have is 125 bucks , 470 is freaking 210 cheapest one and 480 is 310 320 :-/ , also 1050 ti is 160 .
1050 Ti is 160? I would say that's your best bet, Its performance is about 10% less of a rx 470 and for a lot cheaper where you are at.

I still recommend waiting till Ryzen though. But if not a 1050 Ti will be plenty good enough for a x4 750k.
He already has the rx460 4gb, good little card for the money.

Yeah wait for Ryzen and we'll see what the 4 core options are like. Then you'll be on a modern socket and ram format for future upgrades until 2020 (as far as we currently know)

The other option is to move to the intel platform, though i'd be recommending the lower i5's over the i3 anyway just for some slight future proofing, though in that case the Ryzen may win on grounds of being overclockable.

I would suggest then waiting until early March. Nvidia leaks suggest the 1080ti launch and repricing of all their old GPU's. AMD is sure to follow suit and match Nvidia on price changes. Still the 460 should be fine so how about the 4GB versions?
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon RX 460 4GB WINDFORCE OC Video Card (€126.49 @ Amazon Italia)
Total: €126.49
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-02-19 17:47 CET+0100