Will BF4 Run Just as Smooth as BF3?


Sep 6, 2014
I'm a bit new to this site so I thought I'd post this in the GPU section.

So BF3 runs fantastic for me on all ultra settings with a GeForce GT 630 2GB, no well-noticeable or significant lag spikes. Which is odd because it doesn't even hit the minimum requirement for this game... but keep in mind, I was running it in a lower resolution(1280x720), not the native. This GPU is even being bottlenecked with a PCI-E 1.0 Mobo. Seeing it on sale gave me an urge to purchase it. And I'm sure you all know what the point I'm trying to get at is.
Since I can run BF3 on ultra settings with a low-end gaming GPU, will it support BF4 on medium or high settings?

If a mod feels the need to move this(if there are mods on this forum), don't hesitate if needed.


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