Will changing my ram to 1600MHz damage anything?


Jun 11, 2015
I have 4x4GB of corsair vengeance ddr3 ram(https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-2x4GB-Desktop-Memory/dp/B00569K7LM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1478537100&sr=8-1&keywords=CML8GX3M2A1600C9)

My motherboard is the asrock H97 anniversary.(http://www.asrock.com/mb/intel/h97%20anniversary/)

I checked in the command prompt using "wmic memorychip get speed" and it says 1333MHz. Will going into my bios and changing the speed to 1600 damage anything?

I currently have a GTX 970 and i7 4790K. My GTX 1070 is coming in a few days.

Sorry, I worry a lot when changing settings in the bios, I just want to double check to see if it is safe

Do I need to change the voltage or anything? Yesterday I found a drop down type list in the bios with different speeds to change to, but I didn't mess with it.
Does your ram and your mb support xmp?Xmp is like an auto overclock profile for ram and for its use there is not any manual configuration except its enabling.

But even at 1600mhz no difference would be made.Only a minor increase in benchmarks.

funny @ clifffro

I posted originally before I left for work, you answered before I could since I was busy at work most of the day, it was obviously the correct answer so I just agreed.

I was also still at work and on my phone so a simple "agreed" was the easiest way to express that in the few moments I had to post.