Will directX 12 require a new graphics card?



hmm, that's my concern, typically new graphics cards were needed in order to support new releases of DX. It's possible that as XBone was developed by MS and at that time, they would have already been working on DX12, they may have already implemented hardware features or optimisation to run DX12.

It would be a strange situation that AMD designed the hardware for XBone and made it compatible with DX12 which is designed to compete directly with AMD Mantle and potentially render it 'still born'!! I guess that's one of the hazards of designing products for the competition!

It will probably be compatible with current GPUs. Microsoft won't announce it and then make people wait months for the GTX 800 series and the Rx-3xx series.
You won't need windows 8. Most development studios run windows 7 still and won't upgrade or some time wouldn't make sense for Microsoft to make a Windows 8 only API. That would screw them out of money.

Direct X 11.2 is only on Windows 8.1. And of course they will make it exclusive, then need more people to upgrade to Windows 8!
No they wouldn't, that would cause developer support decrease as the API requires developers to make it worth while. If they do that you can bet that a 3rd party API like Open GL or something new will take over.

Probably not as that is an older card but can't say for sure. Microsoft is supposed to announce the details of DX12 this week at GDC. Haven't heard anything yet though

"NVIDIA will support the DX12 API on all the DX11-class GPUs it has shipped; these belong to the Fermi, Kepler and Maxwell architectural families"

Source: Nvidia blog
DirectX 12 will indeed make lower-level abstraction available (but not mandatory—there will be backward-compatibility with DX11) on existing hardware. However, Tamasi explained that DirectX 12 will introduce a set of new features in addition to the lower-level abstraction, and those features will require new hardware. In his words, Microsoft "only teased" at some of those additions this week, and a "whole bunch more" are coming.


Very Annoying but based on past experience by the time most games really start using those features it will be time to upgrade anyway. I'am curious as to what those features might be though.

i think that's fine. current crop of gpu still able to benefit from some of DX12 feature unlike how it is usually in the past. plus both amd and nvidia need that new feature to sell new card 😀

Read this. All DX11 cards will only partially support DX12.


So far, two new features state that you will need a new card for it, with more features to be revealed...but the main performance benefits brought by DX12, should be experienced by DX11 cards, is what I get from it. Also, the Xbox One GPU was built with DX12 in mind, and is not an exact 7790 or R7265x or whatever people call it. For instance, the Xbone was designed for tiling/ tiled resources, which is another DX12 feature. It's the reason why the ESRAM chunks are so small. Tiled Resources was one of those rumours touted as "Xbox One's Secrete Sauce" and ended up being true...go figure.


That is the console world for ya.


DX12 will be enabled on that gpu, but, there are new features only a Next Core Gen Card will be able to do due to the new api. However, you could sell your new gpu, and wait until september 2nd to buy the r9 285, which costs just as much as the r9 270x. Amd from this point on forward will reléase their cards with full dx12 features enabled. This doesn´t mean you can´t play a dx12 game only, just that your card won´t display some of the new dx12 api only features.

Here's an article that explains dx12 compatibility with and without the new next gen gpu´s. http://techreport.com/news/26210/directx-12-will-also-add-new-features-for-next-gen-gpus

Basically, new additions to the api like low level inclusion will only be handled by the next core gen gpus. This is straight from Microsoft.