that i can't answer, but i'll hazard a guess that that's going to RAM and not the SSD
honestly, you're worrying about something that truly isn't worth worrying about
again, i'm using a 4+ yr (i pulled the receipt, purch'd feb 2011), that for the past 2+ years i have been rendering video files to. ie i use it as my "worktable" drive. From it i move the videos to two HDDs, one for backup storage and the other for use in my RV. I do 2-3 BluRay movies a week, which range from 18-38 GB in size, plus too many tv episodes to count - for example since Sunday i've recorded two seasons of Orphan Black, Turn: Washington spies 2 hour 2nd season premiere (7.2 GB), the entire first season of Marvel's Daredevils (22.4 GB), a few episodes of Battle Creek, and 6 episodes of Wolf Hall (BBC UK series). That's a typical Monday-Thursday scenario for me. And with all that, for over 2 years, i have less than 6 TB of video files saved. That should give you an idea, that even at the low end of 72 TB, you've got a lot of video recording to do and i'd suspect your unit is above that 72 GB limit in terms of lifespan
point is, i'm not a light user, and this is a samsung 810 which was the first gen sammy SSD and it's not showing any signs of corrupted data, the samsung magician software is showing it's in "good" health (that's all sammy tells you,. good or i guess bad, as i haven't seen anything but the "good" rating.
You're not going to wear that thing out during it's warranty -if you do, you'll RMA it. But by the time warranty is up, you'll be upgrading to a hotter setup - the technology is getting crazy
don't sweat wearing it out