Will DX12 essentially solve the problem with v ram if you sli two GTX 970 cards


Jun 13, 2015
I was curious because if that is the case then would it make more sense to invest in a second card and a 1440p monitor because right now I have one gtx 970 and a 1080p monitor and been having the itch to upgrade to get rid some issues I've been having

I assume that he is refering to the vram combining.

I've read about posts where they say sli gtx 970 has greater chance of having fps dips in gaming when the resolution is abouve 1080p and I was wondering if DX12 might solve this issue? If so I was thinking about getting a 144hz monitor that maxes at 2560x1440 if I get another gtx 970
When DX12 becomes available, which could be multiple years before it is used often, you will likely see a bunch of varying methods of using multiple GPU's. If they use AFR, which has the best scaling, there is no chance for combining of VRAM. If they use them in unison to create a single frame, in SFR, then there is some chance of some resources being combined, but I doubt it'll increase the usable VRAM by much, as many assets still need to be accessed fast.

I wouldn't upgrade until you need to upgrade and don't upgrade for DX12, as there are no games that use it, and it'll be a while before many do. Even if it worked great for 1 game, there are still many that it won't.
Dx12 will help with cpu overhead and possibly helping with frame rate. But that need the game to use DX12 specifically. And there is no guarantee game devloper will jump into dx12 despite the benefit can bring. For example if the game already well run enough with dx11 then there is no need to spend resource to port the game to dx12.
Vram will not stack will you please listen to me, first of all the gpu itself would have to have hardware that allows vram stacking then games would have to be coded to allow vram to be stacked, it's not as simple as saying , "oh yeah we will just put something in directx12, and all of a sudden you have double the amount of vram on your sli or crossfire". Plenty of youtubers have said about this topic.
So far only AMD claim about VRAM stacking with DX12. I think they have official slides about that. As far as i'm aware of nvidia and MS themselves never talk about it. But MS did talk about multi adapter (making two different gpu working together). But it is not in the manner many of us had imagine (combining geforce and radeon).
So far only AMD claim about VRAM stacking with DX12. I think they have official slides about that. As far as i'm aware of nvidia and MS themselves never talk about it. But MS did talk about multi adapter (making two different gpu working together). But it is not in the manner many of us had imagine (combining geforce and radeon).

dno why amd are talking about vram stacking, they suck and there new gpus are pointless apart from the fury x which looks awful, to stack vram the card would have to allow it, the games would have to allow it and so would directx12 bro.

if vram does stack on nvidia il be happy, but i cant see it happening.

Ok fanboy, back to the nvidia cave. If you are buying a gpu for cosmetic reasons, then you are doing it wrong.
Step 1: Buy Fury
Step 2: Rip the p.o.s. rad and tubing off.
Step 3: Install GPU waterblock.
Step 4: Put it in a custom loop.
Step 5:: Profit

That isn't mature, so if either one of you guys want to argue, then be mature atleast. IF you have a preference to NVIDIA, so be it. But AMD is still relevant for budget systems.


really dude..... how is that not mature smh, did i insult him back? nope.

and who said anything about amd or nvidia anyway, im just stating the fact that everyone needs to realise vram will not stack.

"dno why amd are talking about vram stacking, they suck and there new gpus are pointless apart from the fury x which looks awful."

Don't know about anyone else, but that sounds very fanboy-ish to me. I've been on both sides of the Team Green/Team Red line. Right now, i'm pro-red. I think Nvidia has become shady and hope that the AMD fury crushes the 980ti, but you won't find me in the Nvidia forums trash talking Nvidia.

well considering it is DX11 title, i have my doubts.
Sorry if anyone has already said this response.

not even gonna argue with you, you're not worth my time.
To me there is no good or evil just red and green haha. Nvidia like to go propritary ways and i see no problem with that. If people brand nvidia evil because of that thencthe person must be silly. Gameworks? Heck i would also going to hate gameworks if i own radeon based gpu. But still i don't think AMD as innocent either. I've been following the two for quite sometime and conclude that both are just about the same. Only that AMD likes to whine a lot when things are not going their ways. Well i mean did nvidia whine when they got very late access to DA2? did they say AMD sabotage them in tomb raider when there is no issue with the early build of the game? In Dirt Showdown both fermi and kepler were slauthered but i never see internet rage about it. Not defending nvidia here but i see many people like to put good and evil badge for nvidia and AMD.
To me there is no good or evil just red and green haha. Nvidia like to go propritary ways and i see no problem with that. If people brand nvidia evil because of that thencthe person must be silly. Gameworks? Heck i would also going to hate gameworks if i own radeon based gpu. But still i don't think AMD as innocent either. I've been following the two for quite sometime and conclude that both are just about the same. Only that AMD likes to whine a lot when things are not going their ways. Well i mean did nvidia whine when they got very late access to DA2? did they say AMD sabotage them in tomb raider when there is no issue with the early build of the game? In Dirt Showdown both fermi and kepler were slauthered but i never see internet rage about it. Not defending nvidia here but i see many people like to put good and evil badge for nvidia and AMD.