Will FX-4100 CPU choke GPU and would upgrade choice matter?


Apr 3, 2017
Very much a noob here, but i know this is the place to come for good, solid advice on how to proceed with an upgrade i want to make on my PC.

First here are my specs, or as best I can gather them.

Operating System - Windows 10 Home 64-bit

CPU - AMD FX-4100 3.6ghz - 23 °C

RAM - 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24)
(That's all the RAM the MB will take)

Motherboard - Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. M68MT-S2
(Socket M2) 43 °C

Graphics - 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (EVGA) 46 °C

Monitor HDMI (2560x1440@60Hz)

Storage - 931GB Seagate ST1000DM 003-1ER162 SCSI Disk
Device (SATA)

Usage for the PC is mainly Blender, Photoshop,Second Life and surfing the net. (Hardly ever doing more than one or two simultaneously) As far as gaming, i am not a big gamer at all other than the occasional War Thunder.

I want to replace my GTX 760 with the GeForce GTX 4GB 1050 Ti . Now, I have read enough on here already to know that the old AMD FX-4100 will likely throttle the GPU a bit. My budget would let me upgrade my GPU to the AMD FX 4350 4.2ghz.. Would that be worth it, or is that CPU going to probably throttle about the same as the FX-4100 or with their be a significant difference?

If it is about the same damage either way, i would just as soon keep the CPU I have and invest in an ssd drive.


Not so severe it would choke - it's a nice little budget GPU, but it's not crazy-powerful. You'll have some minor bottlenecking from time-to-time but nothing severe. It doesn't appear, from Gigabyte's website, that this motherboard supports any x3xx processors anyway, so it doesn't seem to be an option in any case. I don't think you'll be unhappy as you appear to be realistic about the limitations, which frequently makes all the difference.
That motherboard doesn't have UEFI bios, which makes a 1050 Ti an iffy choice. One question, if you don't game then what do you expect a new card to do for you? How is the 760 deficient?

Unless you have a specific reason to point to that shows you need a new videocard, I'd get the SSD if I was you. Overall system responsiveness will improve dramatically, which benefits all those programs you run.

Finally, a 760 is roughly a 950 in performance, which is a bit below a 1050. So in effect you are going from a bit below a 1050 to a 1050 Ti with this proposed upgrade. I don't think that's a big enough jump to justify the cost.

there are no solid upgrade options

that platform is dead, and you should not waste any money on it

get a ssd, you can take that into a new build

the upcomming 4 or 6 core ryzen is going to be what you want to get since you mostly do work with a bit of gaming on the side


Good questions all. Thanks.
Most of my Blender work is creating items that are then sold or given away in Second life. A combination of high poly mesh and some bad practices in design are making a lot of areas, not all, "laggy" or slow to rez. This is especially true since I added the 2560x1440 monitor. This is not an issue across the whole 'game".,.but mostly in heavily built areas with enormous textures used that require me to kicks my graphics down from ultra to medium-high. I would answer that the main reason for jumping up to the 760 to the 1050 is that I am getting a small upgrade, while also going from a 2 GB GPU to a 4 gb GPU. I have been told that could be a big help with my issue.

I contacted Cyberpower and Gigabyte and both said the card will "work", so please feel free to expand on "iffy"?


Thanks! I wont to be clear that I am following you. The fx-4100 will do some bottlenecking with the 1050, but nothing severe, and this mother board wont take the fx 4350 anyway. Yes? This was kind of my initial thought, (skip the CPU and get the SSD) but want to make sure i am understanding your advice correctly.


Thanks Maxalge! It may be dead, but it is what I have to work with for the time being. Consider this a bit of triage. Hopefully I will be able to consider your advice and be able to repeal and replace the rig in the future, and at least I will know where to start.