will games run faster/better on ssd?


Nov 21, 2014
i currently have a ssd/hdd combo. i dont have a lot of room on my ssd. just the os. i have a 120gb ssd. if my games are on my hdd, will they run slower? will there be a lot of impact on my gameplay?
This only majorly affects load times. When you load levels and areas, it will be slower, after taht it will be normal.

Its only a big concern for big open world areas as they will load data during game play and can cause stuttering when areas load and a momentary drop in FPS, but after that it returns to normal.
The Bottom Line

We can definitively state that our gaming performance as shown prior on our HDDs is exactly the same under the SSDs; there is no difference in gameplay performance. All the feedback and suggestions that we should upgrade to SSDs because our HDDs were holding back gameplay performance and consistency were misplaced. We were not being held back. The actual consistency and smoothness under the SSD is the same as we experienced under our previous HDD; and that HDD was not exactly "new."

Consistency, framerate, gameplay performance, is exactly the same under our new SSDs. That said, the load times of actually getting into the games is greatly improved, and that alone helps us since we are loading in and out of games all day while testing. That's just a time saver. As stated, we are now running SSDs on our video card review systems, but as tested there are no gameplay performance differences because of it.
The load time improvements though are very welcomed.



faster starting up the game, or faster to load the maps as well?

From 4 years ago, the answer is still the same.
Startup and level loading is faster.
FPS...no change.

However...4 years later..if you don't have an SSD for the OS and all your applications, you're well behind the power curve.