Will gaming kill my SSD?

Imz Deodex

Oct 15, 2014
Hello, I just bought a Western Digital BLUE 500gb SSD. I have Battlefield 1, Cities Skylines, and Overwatch installed. I've read that I should keep enough space for my SSD to maintain itself. But I was wondering, does gaming on my SSD really harmful? everytime you boot up a program or a game doesn't it "load" or "write" the assets? is this harmful? thanks
Unless the drive physically fails it’ll be fine. You will not write to it enough to harm it unless you go out of your way to do so.

No, it is not harmful.
You just need to keep about 10-15% free space on it.

My system, as are many, are SSD only. No spinning hard drives at all.
Just use it, and don't stress.