Will GDDR5 card work with GDDR3 Cards ?


Jan 19, 2012

I am using THREE ATI FirePro 2460 GDDR3 512 MB Video cards each with 4 outputs to run 12 monitors.

One of the card crashed.

So I need to replace it but the new FirePro 2460 cards have GDDR5 & rest of the specs are same.

Will New Card with GDDR5 be compatible with the other TWO with GDDR3 ?.

Thank You
They all use the same driver so there can be no problems there.

The monitors are each displaying their own thing so each card does not know or care what the other cards are doing and there can be no timing issues.

Unless what you are doing on those monitors requires some sort of frame synchronization which will be absolutely ruined by having 4 of them possibly updating their images a fraction of a second sooner than the other 8, I cannot conceivaibly fathom why you could be worried about this.

Since I didn't have any choice I went ahead & ordered the GDDR5 Card.

To give you an idea so you can advice, here is what I am doing.

I am using a stock market software that plots the stock charts. The stock price comes in every milliseconds.

All 12 monitors plot the data of the same stock but each has different time frame. Meaning monitor 1 can be plotting a 1 minute chart & monitor 2, 3 4 etc could be plotting 2, 3 & 4 minute chart. But each monitor displays the same price. So if I understand you correctly, it is possible that 4 monitors with GDDR5 might display the price fraction of a second earlier. If that is the case, it will not affect me much.

Please tell me what do you think ?

Thank You