Will GTX 960 fit with my build ?


Jul 6, 2015
Hello guys
First off my specs are :
-Gigabyte Z68X-UD3-B3
-x2 4 gb ram from g.skill
-Cooler master 500W "This one exactly Here
-GTX 550 TI that I'll be replacing

My questions are :

-Will this PC hold the 960 normally ? like for the processor and the mobo and the PSU
-Which GTX 960 should I choose ? I'm kinda confused of how much versions there are out

Thanks and waiting for any help :)
If you are wondering if your power supply can handle a graphics card, this webpage is a good resource. The 960 doesn't use much power, so you are fine.

As for which model. If there is a meaningful price difference just go for the cheapest one. Like I said before you won't be able to tell the difference between them if real world application. If they are the same price get the one with the beefiest cooler on it (physically larger cards have better power dissipation). Most versions also come pre-overclocked so you might want to check the core clock speed.

In the end you can buy any of the ones that you are looking at will be fine.
To give you a reference an card like this...
Yes, your system will run with a gtx 960 just fine. As for the different versions, it doesn't matter that much, any performance difference will be imperceptible although you might want to spend a little extra to get one with a better cooling setup like gigabyte or Asus.

Thanks for the help, so you're sure that no problems with the power nor anything ?

And in your opinion which model do you think the best ? I'm actually looking and kinda confused about which one
The gigabyte g1 or the MSI or the EVGA :|
If you are wondering if your power supply can handle a graphics card, this webpage is a good resource. The 960 doesn't use much power, so you are fine.

As for which model. If there is a meaningful price difference just go for the cheapest one. Like I said before you won't be able to tell the difference between them if real world application. If they are the same price get the one with the beefiest cooler on it (physically larger cards have better power dissipation). Most versions also come pre-overclocked so you might want to check the core clock speed.

In the end you can buy any of the ones that you are looking at will be fine.
To give you a reference an card like this:
is better than a card like this:

but even then the performance difference between these two would be completely imperceptible.