will i able to play games like gta v,cod iw,cod aw,xenoverse,watch dogs on pentium g4560 compared with gtx 1050 and 8gb ram?

Get a gtx 1050 ti and check out this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyD1Eh9mQAg

OR you could just stay with 1050.It is playable
Watch this one too:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G3GgI7X4DY
Yes it will work, a 1050 isn't that strong so settings will probably need to be medium. Manage your expectations, your CPU will not allow you to maintain 60fps in those games but should be good for average of over 40fps.

Running a better gpu will allow higher game settings but your fps will be limited by your CPU regardless of gpu. The G4560 is a great budget CPU but just manage expectations, you can't expect it to run all games at 60 fps.
I am new to PC gaming as well as of 2015 but here is my personal opinion:

The processor you selected is dual-core w/ hyper threading and based on the relatively new Kaby Lake architecture, and at 3.5 Ghz, your single threaded performance (what you need in most games) should be quite good for the price. Eight GB of ram is the perfect amount right now for a budget build. No need to add more. If I were you, I would save a bit more for a slightly more powerful GPU, if anything, but I understand you are on a budget.

Right now you can expect 40-60fps in GTAV on Medium settings, and drops into the low thirties when you are in the city, where your CPU might struggle. Almost the same deal for Watch Dogs(Assuming watch dogs 1 not 2), 30-50fps or lower in the more populous areas with a lot going on. Not sure about COD, have no experience with those games on PC, but they should run better than GTA and Watch Dogs overall on your system. Xenoverse should run great with your current specs, solid 60fps on medium-high.

As long as you are not lowering graphics settings trying to get above 60fps, your CPU most likely won't hold back your system, but like CyberBlade said, another $50 for a better graphics card will make all the difference. Go for 1050Ti or RX 470 if at all possible.

Don't trust on persons advice alone, though. If you need more confirmation, search "Pentium g4560 benchmarks GTX 1050" on youtube and see what your combination produces.

Looking good so far, just the graphics card would benefit from an upgrade the most. Wish you luck! :)

While I agree with the above be very careful with YouTube vids from random people. There are a huge amount of people who lie or are not open with the full truth trying to make the world beleive their system is better than it actually is or they have achieved something others cannot. I only trust reviews from well known established sources.

Yes, this is true! I forgot to mention to stick to only the videos that list full system specs either in the description and show the settings in game as well as the framerate onscreen.
That is very good advice sizzling!

Always be careful of fanboys, lies, and idiots online as a general rule.

Get a gtx 1050 ti and check out this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyD1Eh9mQAg

OR you could just stay with 1050.It is playable
Watch this one too:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G3GgI7X4DY