Will i be able to run COD Ghosts on my PC?


Nov 8, 2013
I have an NVIDIA GTX 650 TI(Not the boost)
Intel i7 4770
8 GB ram
Windows 7 64 bit
and if i can run it, how much FPS will i run at?
Totalbiscuit (british youtube pc commentator) is running the game on two Titans (SLI disabled though) and the game dips into the 30's/40's for him without recording software. The game looks worse than bad company 2 and performs worse than BF4, pretty extraordinary how they managed to do that haha 😛
^ahaha broken game-wise 😀


It shouldn't use much power considering it's the same bloody engine again but they artificially made it a more demanding game with its crappy optimization

Who needs terminology anyway? 😉

I think it's one of the worst optimised games I've seen in a while, following GTA IV. I've heard that some people with extremely high end cards can't maintain 60 steadily. Pretty ridiculous. Then again, I got bored of that series after MW2 so it doesn't effect me at all ;D
Totalbiscuit (british youtube pc commentator) is running the game on two Titans (SLI disabled though) and the game dips into the 30's/40's for him without recording software. The game looks worse than bad company 2 and performs worse than BF4, pretty extraordinary how they managed to do that haha 😛

I'd heard about SLI titans struggling with it but I didn't want to say in case it was just a rumour. How did they manage to code it that badly!? Oh yeah, activision. 😛

Ugh, the series should have just curled up and died by now IMO.
Also I feel kind of bad about hijacking this thread, but I guess this is relevant ;P
Yep we are going a bit off topic, op just go ahead and tweak the game around a bit, hopefully eventually they'll fix performance through a patch or something even though I highly doubt it. Black Ops 2 would be a better choice over Ghosts if you haven't got that already.

Thanks, my graphics card isn't that good but i'm going to upgrade to an AMD 290x.
Yep, wait for the aftermarket cooler ones, that would be running games great for at least 2-3 years. Bear in mind that Ghosts will still run like crap and have frame rate dips, even if you have a titan 😛, but with a 290x you'd be looking at maxing BF4 😀.

Ya, I heard NVIDIA cards are only being effected by this issue. AMD on the other hand runs flawless.