will i be able to run my pc on this psu?


Jan 12, 2016
I have a case with a aywun a1-5000 500w psu. Im wanting to run a r9 280 and a g3258 on a msi h81 p33 motherboard, the psu only has molex, 4 sata and one 6pin cord on it. While I would like to get a new psu but unfortunately there is going to be no way for a LONG time, is it possible to use a dual molex to 8 pin and the 6 pin for the gpu and a molex to 4 pin for the cpu power? or is there a sata to 4 pin of dual molex to 4 pin adapter?

thanks for any help.
22a on the 12v - its not even a 300w PSU in real world terms.


The 280x can pull up to 240w worst case scenario - have no doubt that PSU would go boom

Man, those rails. That's like a cheap PSU from 2002. I'm not sure I'd trust that to power a sandwich.

^ I thinknit likelynis a cheap PSU from 2002 - at least the design is.
If that's a real split level 12v (I doubt it is) its nonsensical anyway.
Either way you may 'just' get away with a bus powered 750ti - I wouldn't trust it with that though in all honesty.