I was wodering if I could run Asus R7 250x with a 365 watt psu.
Ik AMD says I should have a 4500 watt psu, but when I calculated my pc takes up about 200~240 watts without a gpu, and r7 250x requires only 80 specific to it and I have 12 amps on the 12v rail. Btw, I'm also currently GTX 650 2gb oc on the same psu without any problem and its supposed to require 400w, can I replace it with a r7 250x?
Ik AMD says I should have a 4500 watt psu, but when I calculated my pc takes up about 200~240 watts without a gpu, and r7 250x requires only 80 specific to it and I have 12 amps on the 12v rail. Btw, I'm also currently GTX 650 2gb oc on the same psu without any problem and its supposed to require 400w, can I replace it with a r7 250x?