Will I be able to run this graphic card?


Nov 13, 2013
So basically my motherboard only has 2.0 PCI
My power supply is 550watt
my cpu is 3.2ghz amd phenom IIx6 1090t

and the graphic card I was hoping to buy/run is
R9270x saphire 2gb or GTX 760,I would love a detailed anaylsis on both the graphic cards

Will my CPU bottleneck this graphic card?If yes,by how much and how much will I need to overclock my CPU to not bottleneck it.
Is my power supply enough to handle this graphic card?
how much will my motherboard bottleneck the memmory?I heard that 2.0 PCI only suppots upto 5kmegahertz and r9270 is like 5.5k mhertz
currently no card really maxes out PCI 2.0 so that isn't your main concern.
Your PSU though I'd suggest upgrading to 600-650W. You could try using your current CPU with the R9 270X but make sure there's enough amps on the 12V+ rail
1.Yes I meant PCIe
2.I don't know the model of the PSU atm as the box is locked in the locker and its 1 am so I can't wake up my parents for the box either,if there is a program I can download to find out the model then I'd download it but I know no program that can do that.
3.Right now its 3.2ghz at stock,will I be able to overclock it to 3.6ghz without overheating the CPU?If you could link me a program so that I could find out the temperature of my CPU under load it would be great so I can know if it is safe to overclock my CPU or not.
4.6 GB RAM, and what I meant was if the graphic card would max out PCIe 2.0, but the question was answered by BlackInsanity.
2. PSUs should have a label on it saying what its make and model is. If the PSU came with the case (as in like something you buy from Dell), then it's pretty crap and I would not trust it to handle the GTX 760.

3. I don't know. That's a question that only you can answer. It depends on how good the chip is. Chips are not all created equally. Some are better; some are worse. So whether or not you are able to do something, I cannot say. As for temps, CPU-Z and RealTemp are pretty good.
You should be just fine running the 270x or the 760 without a bottleneck at stock speeds. a 550W is going to be just enough power for you, so I would suggest what Blank said, grab a slightly more powerful PSU (600-650) It's always better to have a good leeway. Your system memory won't bottleneck it either. PCIe 2.0 is fine as well. PCIe 3.0 is basically useless since we can't even max out 2.0 yet.

Wattage is not the only thing that matters. You also have to account for the amount of ampere current rating on the +12V that your PSU supplies. That is more important than wattage. 500W, 600W, does not help me give you a definite answer. Sorry.